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Diet vs Lifestyle: my stream of conscious thought

Warning : this may be revolutionary but I am willing to start a revolution

In case you haven't been paying attention, diets are out. Short term massive restriction of calories and diversity of foods is NOT healthy. It tanks your metabolism, messes with your hormones and teaches your body to preserve stores at all costs.

True health is a thousand daily choices that includes how much and the way you fuel your body, hydrate your body, move your body and rest your body. These parts are interconnected and a breakdown in any area affects your wellbeing.

Let's get real people! When push comes to shove true health is a lifestyle. You choose it, you own it, you breathe it, you lean into it and you feel better BECAUSE of it.

Cleanses, extreme weight loss challenges, high protein/fat/carb fads and body blasting hype workouts are unsustainable and UNhealthy!

Live like you love your body. Give it what it needs to perform, shower it in a diversity of food, purposefully move it often and ENJOY the fact that you can!

When you realize that 1. You were intended to be healthy 2. Health is all encompassing and its components are interrelated, then you can start to find and sustain your healthy. And it won't necessarily look like anyone else's, and that is ok!

Confident. Capable. Comfortable. That should be you in your body! And if it's not, let's talk! Let's laugh, let's cry, let's cook, let's move. Join me on this crazy journey of health called life. And love your body like you mean it.

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