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Finding your blissful foodie

You pick up the box, scan the box, watch the numbers fill in your app (MyFitnessPal, Lose It, etc). You wonder if you got the serving right because who really knows what 30g looks like and you try to get your pedometer to balance out the red at the end of the day.

Is this you? Maybe without so much technology but still, the struggle of balancing calories in vs. calories out is real! There are so many unknowns beyond serving size including you basal metabolic rate, your absorption of nutrients based on your enzymatic function and intestinal flora, and your sleep cycle.

Lucky for you, I have a few hacks to bring you back to the land of the blissful foodie.

1. It is really hard to overeat when consuming foods with a higher water content. Load up on salad (the darker the better), celery, citrus and melons before your meal. I like doing a baby spinach and kale salad with salsa as my dressing to begin my larger meals. Bonus: There is evidence that starting a meal on a light note encourages healthier choices throughout the meal!

2. Eat more lean protein. Protein is not only used to build and maintain muscle, it is also used to synthesize enzymes to help you break down and absorb food, and hormones that help regulate your sleep, your blood sugar and your digestion. Don't forget, beans and legumes count! Bonus: Their higher fiber content keeps you feeling full longer and can help lower cholesterol!

3. Remember that your intake of dietary fats and carbohydrates should be inversely related. So pass on the pepperoni pizza and go for the pasta with turkey meatballs. Or enjoy that avocado and cheese on a whole wheat tortilla instead of between two slices of bread. This will help balance your energy intake and allow you to still enjoy the foods you love (in moderation) without giving up your favorite pair of jeans.

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